
Data.transform(预处理) 模块



Crop data class.

This class is used to crop data based on a specified bounding box.

NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.


Name Type Description Default
xmin Tuple[int, ...]

Bottom left corner point, [x0, y0].

xmax Tuple[int, ...]

Top right corner point, [x1, y1].

apply_keys Tuple[str, ...]

Which data is the crop method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

('input', 'label')


>>> import ppsci
>>> import numpy as np
>>> crop_data = ppsci.data.transform.CropData((0, 0), (256, 512))
>>> input_item = {"input": np.zeros((3, 720, 1440))}
>>> label_item = {"label": np.zeros((3, 720, 1440))}
>>> weight_item = {"weight": np.ones((3, 720, 1440))}
>>> input_item, label_item, weight_item = crop_data(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
>>> print(input_item["input"].shape)
(3, 256, 512)
>>> print(label_item["label"].shape)
(3, 256, 512)
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class CropData:
    """Crop data class.

    This class is used to crop data based on a specified bounding box.

    NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.

        xmin (Tuple[int, ...]): Bottom left corner point, [x0, y0].
        xmax (Tuple[int, ...]): Top right corner point, [x1, y1].
        apply_keys (Tuple[str, ...], optional): Which data is the crop method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> crop_data = ppsci.data.transform.CropData((0, 0), (256, 512))
        >>> input_item = {"input": np.zeros((3, 720, 1440))}
        >>> label_item = {"label": np.zeros((3, 720, 1440))}
        >>> weight_item = {"weight": np.ones((3, 720, 1440))}
        >>> input_item, label_item, weight_item = crop_data(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
        >>> print(input_item["input"].shape)
        (3, 256, 512)
        >>> print(label_item["label"].shape)
        (3, 256, 512)

    def __init__(
        xmin: Tuple[int, ...],
        xmax: Tuple[int, ...],
        apply_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = ("input", "label"),
        if len(apply_keys) == 0 or len(set(apply_keys) | {"input", "label"}) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"apply_keys should be a non empty subset of ('input', 'label'), but got {apply_keys}"
        self.xmin = xmin
        self.xmax = xmax
        self.apply_keys = apply_keys

    def __call__(self, input_item, label_item, weight_item):
        if "input" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in input_item.items():
                input_item[key] = value[
                    :, self.xmin[0] : self.xmax[0], self.xmin[1] : self.xmax[1]
        if "label" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in label_item.items():
                label_item[key] = value[
                    :, self.xmin[0] : self.xmax[0], self.xmin[1] : self.xmax[1]
        return input_item, label_item, weight_item


Functional data transform class, which allows to use custom data transform function from given transform_func for special cases.


Name Type Description Default
transform_func Callable

Function of data transform.



>>> # This is the transform_func function. It takes three dictionaries as input: data_dict, label_dict, and weight_dict.
>>> # The function will perform some transformations on the data in data_dict, convert all labels in label_dict to uppercase,
>>> # and modify the weights in weight_dict by dividing each weight by 10.
>>> # Finally, it returns the transformed data, labels, and weights as a tuple.
>>> import ppsci
>>> def transform_func(data_dict, label_dict, weight_dict):
...     for key in data_dict:
...         data_dict[key] = data_dict[key] * 2
...     for key in label_dict:
...         label_dict[key] = label_dict[key] + 1.0
...     for key in weight_dict:
...         weight_dict[key] = weight_dict[key] / 10
...     return data_dict, label_dict, weight_dict
>>> transform = ppsci.data.transform.FunctionalTransform(transform_func)
>>> # Define some sample data, labels, and weights
>>> data = {'feature1': np.array([1, 2, 3]), 'feature2': np.array([4, 5, 6])}
>>> label = {'class': 0.0, 'instance': 0.1}
>>> weight = {'weight1': 0.5, 'weight2': 0.5}
>>> # Apply the transform function to the data, labels, and weights using the FunctionalTransform instance
>>> transformed_data = transform(data, label, weight)
>>> print(transformed_data)
({'feature1': array([2, 4, 6]), 'feature2': array([ 8, 10, 12])}, {'class': 1.0, 'instance': 1.1}, {'weight1': 0.05, 'weight2': 0.05})
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class FunctionalTransform:
    """Functional data transform class, which allows to use custom data transform function from given transform_func for special cases.

        transform_func (Callable): Function of data transform.

        >>> # This is the transform_func function. It takes three dictionaries as input: data_dict, label_dict, and weight_dict.
        >>> # The function will perform some transformations on the data in data_dict, convert all labels in label_dict to uppercase,
        >>> # and modify the weights in weight_dict by dividing each weight by 10.
        >>> # Finally, it returns the transformed data, labels, and weights as a tuple.
        >>> import ppsci
        >>> def transform_func(data_dict, label_dict, weight_dict):
        ...     for key in data_dict:
        ...         data_dict[key] = data_dict[key] * 2
        ...     for key in label_dict:
        ...         label_dict[key] = label_dict[key] + 1.0
        ...     for key in weight_dict:
        ...         weight_dict[key] = weight_dict[key] / 10
        ...     return data_dict, label_dict, weight_dict
        >>> transform = ppsci.data.transform.FunctionalTransform(transform_func)
        >>> # Define some sample data, labels, and weights
        >>> data = {'feature1': np.array([1, 2, 3]), 'feature2': np.array([4, 5, 6])}
        >>> label = {'class': 0.0, 'instance': 0.1}
        >>> weight = {'weight1': 0.5, 'weight2': 0.5}
        >>> # Apply the transform function to the data, labels, and weights using the FunctionalTransform instance
        >>> transformed_data = transform(data, label, weight)
        >>> print(transformed_data)
        ({'feature1': array([2, 4, 6]), 'feature2': array([ 8, 10, 12])}, {'class': 1.0, 'instance': 1.1}, {'weight1': 0.05, 'weight2': 0.05})

    def __init__(
        transform_func: Callable,
        self.transform_func = transform_func

    def __call__(
        self, *data: Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], ...]
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], ...]:
        data_dict, label_dict, weight_dict = data
        data_dict_copy = {**data_dict}
        label_dict_copy = {**label_dict}
        weight_dict_copy = {**weight_dict} if weight_dict is not None else {}
        return self.transform_func(data_dict_copy, label_dict_copy, weight_dict_copy)


Calculates the natural logarithm of one plus the data, element-wise.

NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.


Name Type Description Default
scale float

Scale data. Defaults to 1.0.

apply_keys Tuple[str, ...]

Which data is the log1p method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

('input', 'label')


>>> import ppsci
>>> log1p = ppsci.data.transform.Log1p(1e-5)
>>> input_item = {"data": np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}
>>> label_item = {"data": np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])}
>>> weight_item = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
>>> input_item_transformed, label_item_transformed, weight_item_transformed = log1p(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
>>> print(input_item_transformed)
{'data': array([11.51293546, 12.20607765, 12.61154109])}
>>> print(label_item_transformed)
{'data': array([12.89922233, 13.12236538, 13.3046866 ])}
>>> print(weight_item_transformed)
[0.1 0.2 0.3]
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class Log1p:
    """Calculates the natural logarithm of one plus the data, element-wise.

    NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.

        scale (float, optional): Scale data. Defaults to 1.0.
        apply_keys (Tuple[str, ...], optional): Which data is the log1p method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> log1p = ppsci.data.transform.Log1p(1e-5)
        >>> input_item = {"data": np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}
        >>> label_item = {"data": np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])}
        >>> weight_item = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        >>> input_item_transformed, label_item_transformed, weight_item_transformed = log1p(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
        >>> print(input_item_transformed)
        {'data': array([11.51293546, 12.20607765, 12.61154109])}
        >>> print(label_item_transformed)
        {'data': array([12.89922233, 13.12236538, 13.3046866 ])}
        >>> print(weight_item_transformed)
        [0.1 0.2 0.3]

    def __init__(
        scale: float = 1.0,
        apply_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = ("input", "label"),
        if len(apply_keys) == 0 or len(set(apply_keys) | {"input", "label"}) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"apply_keys should be a non empty subset of ('input', 'label'), but got {apply_keys}"
        self.scale = scale
        self.apply_keys = apply_keys

    def __call__(self, input_item, label_item, weight_item):
        if "input" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in input_item.items():
                input_item[key] = np.log1p(value / self.scale)
        if "label" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in label_item.items():
                label_item[key] = np.log1p(value / self.scale)
        return input_item, label_item, weight_item


Normalize data class.

NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.


Name Type Description Default
mean Union[ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]]

Mean of training dataset.

std Union[ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]]

Standard Deviation of training dataset.

apply_keys Tuple[str, ...]

Which data is the normalization method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

('input', 'label')


>>> import ppsci
>>> normalize = ppsci.data.transform.Normalize((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
>>> input_item = {"data": np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}
>>> label_item = {"data": np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])}
>>> weight_item = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
>>> normalized_item = normalize(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
>>> print(normalized_item)
({'data': array([1., 2., 3.])}, {'data': array([4., 5., 6.])}, array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class Normalize:
    """Normalize data class.

    NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.

        mean (Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]]): Mean of training dataset.
        std (Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]]): Standard Deviation of training dataset.
        apply_keys (Tuple[str, ...], optional): Which data is the normalization method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> normalize = ppsci.data.transform.Normalize((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
        >>> input_item = {"data": np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}
        >>> label_item = {"data": np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])}
        >>> weight_item = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        >>> normalized_item = normalize(input_item, label_item, weight_item)
        >>> print(normalized_item)
        ({'data': array([1., 2., 3.])}, {'data': array([4., 5., 6.])}, array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))

    def __init__(
        mean: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]],
        std: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, ...]],
        apply_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = ("input", "label"),
        if len(apply_keys) == 0 or len(set(apply_keys) | {"input", "label"}) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"apply_keys should be a non empty subset of ('input', 'label'), but got {apply_keys}"
        self.mean = mean
        self.std = std
        self.apply_keys = apply_keys

    def __call__(self, input_item, label_item, weight_item):
        if "input" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in input_item.items():
                input_item[key] = (value - self.mean) / self.std
        if "label" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in label_item.items():
                label_item[key] = (value - self.mean) / self.std
        return input_item, label_item, weight_item


Scale class for data transformation.


Name Type Description Default
scale Dict[str, float]

Scale the input data according to the variable name and coefficient specified in scale.



>>> import ppsci
>>> translate = ppsci.data.transform.Scale({"x": 1.5, "y": 2.0})
>>> input_dict = {"x": 10, "y": 20}
>>> label_dict = {"x": 100, "y": 200}
>>> weight_dict = {"x": 1000, "y": 2000}
>>> input_dict_scaled, label_dict_scaled, weight_dict_scaled = translate(input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict)
>>> print(input_dict_scaled)
{'x': 15.0, 'y': 40.0}
>>> print(label_dict_scaled)
{'x': 100, 'y': 200}
>>> print(weight_dict_scaled)
{'x': 1000, 'y': 2000}
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class Scale:
    """Scale class for data transformation.

        scale (Dict[str, float]): Scale the input data according to the variable name
            and coefficient specified in scale.

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> translate = ppsci.data.transform.Scale({"x": 1.5, "y": 2.0})
        >>> input_dict = {"x": 10, "y": 20}
        >>> label_dict = {"x": 100, "y": 200}
        >>> weight_dict = {"x": 1000, "y": 2000}
        >>> input_dict_scaled, label_dict_scaled, weight_dict_scaled = translate(input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict)
        >>> print(input_dict_scaled)
        {'x': 15.0, 'y': 40.0}
        >>> print(label_dict_scaled)
        {'x': 100, 'y': 200}
        >>> print(weight_dict_scaled)
        {'x': 1000, 'y': 2000}

    def __init__(self, scale: Dict[str, float]):
        self.scale = scale

    def __call__(self, input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict):
        input_dict_copy = {**input_dict}
        for key in self.scale:
            if key in input_dict:
                input_dict_copy[key] *= self.scale[key]
        return input_dict_copy, label_dict, weight_dict


Squeeze data class.

NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.


Name Type Description Default
apply_keys Tuple[str, ...]

Which data is the squeeze method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

('input', 'label')


>>> import ppsci
>>> import numpy as np
>>> squeeze_data = ppsci.data.transform.SqueezeData()
>>> input_data = {"input": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
>>> label_data = {"label": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
>>> weight_data = {"weight": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
>>> input_data_squeezed, label_data_squeezed, weight_data_squeezed = squeeze_data(input_data, label_data, weight_data)
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class SqueezeData:
    """Squeeze data class.

    NOTE: This transform will modify the input data dict inplace.

        apply_keys (Tuple[str, ...], optional): Which data is the squeeze method applied to. Defaults to ("input", "label").

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> squeeze_data = ppsci.data.transform.SqueezeData()
        >>> input_data = {"input": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
        >>> label_data = {"label": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
        >>> weight_data = {"weight": np.random.rand(10, 224, 224)}
        >>> input_data_squeezed, label_data_squeezed, weight_data_squeezed = squeeze_data(input_data, label_data, weight_data)

    def __init__(self, apply_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = ("input", "label")):
        if len(apply_keys) == 0 or len(set(apply_keys) | {"input", "label"}) > 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"apply_keys should be a non empty subset of ('input', 'label'), but got {apply_keys}"
        self.apply_keys = apply_keys

    def __call__(self, input_item, label_item, weight_item):
        if "input" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in input_item.items():
                if value.ndim == 4:
                    B, C, H, W = value.shape
                    input_item[key] = value.reshape((B * C, H, W))
                if value.ndim != 3:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Only support squeeze data to ndim=3 now, but got ndim={value.ndim}"
        if "label" in self.apply_keys:
            for key, value in label_item.items():
                if value.ndim == 4:
                    B, C, H, W = value.shape
                    label_item[key] = value.reshape((B * C, H, W))
                if value.ndim != 3:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Only support squeeze data to ndim=3 now, but got ndim={value.ndim}"
        return input_item, label_item, weight_item


Translate class.


Name Type Description Default
offset Dict[str, float]

Shift the input data according to the variable name and coefficient specified in offset.



>>> import ppsci
>>> import numpy as np
>>> input_dict = {"x": np.array([5.0, 10.0]), "y": np.array([20.0, 40.0])}
>>> label_dict = {"x": np.array([1.0, 2.0]), "y": np.array([3.0, 4.0])}
>>> weight_dict = {"x": np.array([10.0, 20.0]), "y": np.array([30.0, 40.0])}
>>> translate = ppsci.data.transform.Translate({"x": 1.0, "y": -1.0})
>>> translated_input_dict, translated_label_dict, translated_weight_dict = translate(input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict)
>>> print(translated_input_dict)
{'x': array([ 6., 11.]), 'y': array([19., 39.])}
>>> print(translated_label_dict)
{'x': array([1., 2.]), 'y': array([3., 4.])}
>>> print(translated_weight_dict)
{'x': array([10., 20.]), 'y': array([30., 40.])}
Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/preprocess.py
class Translate:
    """Translate class.

        offset (Dict[str, float]): Shift the input data according to the variable name
            and coefficient specified in offset.

        >>> import ppsci
        >>> import numpy as np

        >>> input_dict = {"x": np.array([5.0, 10.0]), "y": np.array([20.0, 40.0])}
        >>> label_dict = {"x": np.array([1.0, 2.0]), "y": np.array([3.0, 4.0])}
        >>> weight_dict = {"x": np.array([10.0, 20.0]), "y": np.array([30.0, 40.0])}

        >>> translate = ppsci.data.transform.Translate({"x": 1.0, "y": -1.0})
        >>> translated_input_dict, translated_label_dict, translated_weight_dict = translate(input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict)

        >>> print(translated_input_dict)
        {'x': array([ 6., 11.]), 'y': array([19., 39.])}
        >>> print(translated_label_dict)
        {'x': array([1., 2.]), 'y': array([3., 4.])}
        >>> print(translated_weight_dict)
        {'x': array([10., 20.]), 'y': array([30., 40.])}

    def __init__(self, offset: Dict[str, float]):
        self.offset = offset

    def __call__(self, input_dict, label_dict, weight_dict):
        input_dict_copy = {**input_dict}
        for key in self.offset:
            if key in input_dict:
                input_dict_copy[key] += self.offset[key]
        return input_dict_copy, label_dict, weight_dict


Source code in ppsci/data/process/transform/__init__.py
def build_transforms(cfg):
    if not cfg:
        return Compose([])
    cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)

    transform_list = []
    for _item in cfg:
        transform_cls = next(iter(_item.keys()))
        transform_cfg = _item[transform_cls]
        transform = eval(transform_cls)(**transform_cfg)

    return Compose(transform_list)